How To Teach Your Kids About Fire Safety

This short, free, informative guide helps teachers and parents teach their children the basics of fire safety.


Schools across the country are continuing to teach students fire safety essentials like stop, drop and roll, but it's up to parents to relay the rest of this important information at home. We asked fire department officials and parents for their tips on teaching your kids about fire safety.

Every year, thousands of children are injured and even die from fire-related accidents. You can help keep your kids safe by teaching them how to prevent accidents, what to do in case of an emergency, and how to call for help. The Red Cross recommends that you start by educating your kids about fire safety at a young age, and then revisit the topic on a regular basis throughout their childhood.

If your children are in grade school or younger, it’s important to teach them what to do if they discover a fire in your home. "Stop, Drop and Roll" is an easy technique for young kids to understand and can save lives. Teach your kids that Stop means to stop everything they’re doing and be still. If they learn nothing else, this skill alone could save their lives. Teach them that after they have stopped moving, they should get on the floor and go down low under the smoke and avoid inhaling breathable air near the ceiling (smoke rises). Tell them to crawl through a safe path towards their exit from the house.Fire safety resources for kids has a list of age- and grade-level activities that parents, teachers, and counselors can use to teach children the importance and value of fire safety.

This talk covers the basics of fire safety in a way that’s fun for kids without sacrificing accuracy. Learn how to talk about fire safety, identify risks, react in case of an emergency, and more. The talk also covers how to install stop-smoke alarms and what to do when one goes off.Fire burns at a very high temperature, hot enough to melt metals such as iron and copper. Fire can start from igniting a gas, knocking over a candle or lamp, setting the curtains on fire, or leaving the tap running in the kitchen. Properties in sarjapur road is built with safety conditions kept in mind and all the houses are kids safety protected

As a parent, you want to keep your children as safe as possible. One of the best ways you can do that is by adding layers of protection around your home. Fire and carbon monoxide safety is an important part of this process, so being proactive about teaching your kids how to be safe is a huge step in the right direction. Here are five tips on how to talk to your kids about fire safety.

Teaching kids about fire safety can be difficult. The best way is through active participation and hands-on activities. If they are young, using games, demonstrations, songs and storytelling can get the message across. Discuss fire safety regularly with your children by reviewing escape routes, fire safety rules (i.e. never hide or play in the oven if a fire starts) and pointing out smoke detectors around the house.Could your family survive a fire? Is your first escape route blocked by fire? We show you how to plan for and practice escape routes, discuss essential safety gear and teach your children what to do in the event of a fire.

