What information does the block browser provide?

The Blockchain browser provides a comprehensive view of various basic data points within the blockchain network.

The size/status of the memory pool indicates the number of unacknowledged transactions waiting to be included in the block.

Block difficulty reflects the level


The Blockchain browser provides a comprehensive view of various basic data points within the blockchain network.


The size/status of the memory pool indicates the number of unacknowledged transactions waiting to be included in the block.


Block difficulty reflects the level of complexity that miners must overcome when adding new blocks to search the blockchain.


The average block size represents the typical data capacity of each block on the network.


Average transaction fees show the costs associated with the transaction process.


Users can monitor the latest blocks added to the chain and check the hash rate of the network, which measures the computing power that protects the network.


The Explorer provides insight into the double spending incident, highlighting any attempts to spend the same funds twice.


In particular, observers can identify the most important trades of the day based on value or impact.


In addition, the Block Browser allows users to trace back to the Genesis block, which marks the beginning of the blockchain network, providing a historical perspective on its origins.


Recent block: You can see how much the latest block height of the current bitcoin is, and there are often teams that say that when a certain block height of bitcoin forks a new coin, you can view this to estimate the fork time.


Mining pool computing power: You can see the current computing power data of each major mining pool.


Network status: Two things to look out for in this section when transferring money are: unconfirmed transactions and the current best fees. If the amount of unconfirmed is large, it will certainly be slow when transferring money, so be prepared. If the transfer is urgent, you can refer to the current best fee to fill in the miner's fee to shorten the transaction time.


Who can benefit from blockchain Explorers?

The block browser application is useful for different groups of players in the cryptocurrency space:


Merchants rely on it to track transactions, monitor market activity and verify payments.

It is used by miners and validators to check the state of network blocks and ensure the validity of transactions.

Businesses use block browsers to audit and increase the transparency of their operations.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts explore blockchain to understand the inner workings of different cryptocurrencies.

Investors rely on blockchain browsers to study transaction history and assess the health of the blockchain network before making investment decisions.

Cryptocurrency market analysts use block browsers to monitor and evaluate wallet addresses, especially those of large cryptocurrency holders, in order to gain insight into trading activity and predict changes in market sentiment.


How to use Blockchain Browser?

The Blockchain browser provides a website with a search bar that allows you to retrieve specific information, such as wallet addresses, transaction hashes, and block numbers. In addition, most browser home pages will display recent transactions and block data.


To use the Block browser, simply visit the Block browser website, such as blockchain.info or etherscan.io, and enter the hash or address of the transaction you want to explore. The block browser will then display the transaction details, including the amount sent, the recipient's address, and the transaction cost. You can also use the Block Browser to search for a specific block or address and understand the overall activity on the blockchain.
