Seven Feng shui taboos for bedroom furniture set

1, the mirror should not be directly opposite the bed. A mirror on either side of the bedroom is unfavorable. In addition to affecting health and marital feelings, it can also affect wealth, children and so on. Especially the position at the end of the bed, not to hang a mirror. Because th


Seven Feng shui taboos for bedroom furniture set

1, the mirror should not be directly opposite the bed. A mirror on either side of the bedroom is unfavorable. In addition to affecting health and marital feelings, it can also affect wealth, children and so on. Especially the position at the end of the bed, not to hang a mirror. Because this mirror is like a "dementor mirror", it will make people in the room emotionally upset. If you want to install a mirror in the bedroom, it is best to install in a more hidden position.
bedroom furniture set Feng shui taboo 2, bed not close to the stove. If the bedroom is attached to the kitchen, the bed head should not be placed close to the kitchen, because the kitchen is a "fire", easy to make people sick or nervous, grumpy.
bedroom furniture set Feng shui taboo 3, bed avoid beams. Beds should not be placed under overhead cabinets, beams or lighting. Otherwise, it can lead to headaches, joint pain and other diseases, or reputation damage.
4, the bed should not be right at the door. If the head of the bed is opposite the door or the door of the bedroom, it is called "door chong" in feng shui science, which is not peaceful and easy to have nightmares or hallucinations.
5. The light in the bedroom should be soft. If the light in the bedroom is too strong, it will make people irritable; If the light is too dark, it is easy to produce melancholy mood.
bedroom furniture set feng shui taboo 6, avoid gaps after the bed. The head of the bed should be close to the wall or the physical object, there can be no gap, feng shui is called "backer". Otherwise, it is easy to produce illusions, pessimism, and severe cases may lead to schizophrenia.
7, suite toilet door is often closed, suite type bedroom, toilet door should be often closed, or screened. Otherwise, couples are prone to extramarital affairs, geomantic omen called "flood peach blossom", or lead to leakage of wealth.
